Your source for all things energy-related: the WH blog offers energy-saving tips, maintenance guidelines, program information and much more.
Outages expected to be restored by mid-day Thursday
July 6, 2016
WH anticipates all outages from the severe weather on July 5 will be restored by mid-day on Thursday, July 7.
Learn MoreOutdoor lighting and energy efficiency
July 5, 2016, Nathan Karels
Energy-efficient lighting isn't just for inside your home. Here are a few tips to make your outside lighting more energy efficient.
Learn MorePreparing for power outages
June 21, 2016, Darrell Erickson
Summer storms can be fun to watch, but they can also leave you without power. Take these tips into consideration to ensure you and your family's safety should you encounter power outages from sever summer weather.
Learn MoreBeat summer heat without large electric bills
June 13, 2016, Guest Blogger
Summer temperatures are just around the corner, but that doesn't mean your electric bill needs to rise with them. Check out these tips for how to beat the summer heat without large electric bills.
Learn MoreSaving energy by maintaining your air conditioner
May 31, 2016, Nathan Karels
Learn how to keep your air conditioner tuned up and working properly for summer.
Learn MoreGo green with energy efficient landscaping
April 13, 2016, Guest Blogger
Don't just make your yard eye-pleasing, make it energy efficient.
Learn MoreMark your calendar for WH's Annual Meeting
March 2, 2016, Josh Randt
Get ready for food, fun, and much more at WH's 2016 Annual Meeting!
Learn MoreDual Fuel: Why and when it is controlled
February 22, 2016, Guest Blogger
Find out when and why dual fuel and other off-peak programs are controlled.
Learn MoreTips for purchasing and operating space heaters
February 9, 2016, Darrell Erickson
Do your homework before buying a space heater, and make sure you know how to operate it safely.
Learn MoreSet a timer on your engine block heater this winter
January 13, 2016, Guest Blogger
Avoid added costs from heating your engine all night by installing a timer.
Learn MoreHappy Holidays From WH! Your Cooperative is Returning $2.6 Million in Capital Credits
December 16, 2015, Josh Randt
Wright-Hennepin is pleased to announce that it will again provide capital credit refunds to members this holiday season.
Learn MoreThe wild and wonderful world of programmable thermostats
December 7, 2015, Grant Bowman
One easy way to save money on your energy bill is to install a programmable thermostat.
Learn MoreMaintaining your water heater is invaluable
November 5, 2015, Darrell Erickson
A few preventative measures and maintenance procedures can keep your water heater operating properly and help you save money.
Learn MoreTree-trimming weather: the chillier the better
October 21, 2015, Guest Blogger
As temperatures cool trees become dormant, offering perfect timing for tree trimming because of a reduced risk of spreading diseases.
Learn MoreAn update on the Bantam Solar project
October 15, 2015, Josh Randt
Taking a look at the construction of the first-ever Bantam Solar project between Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association and the City of Rockford.
Learn MoreMaintaining Your Refrigerator and Freezer is an Easy way to Save Money and Conserve Energy
September 30, 2015, Darrell Erickson
There are a few things you can do to conserve energy with your fridge and freezer to save money while ensuring they are running properly.
Learn MoreThe secret to comfort: air distribution
September 22, 2015, Grant Bowman
A properly designed air distribution system will allow your equipment to run efficiently and won't require an extra oversized motor that will cost more to operate.
Learn MoreWhat is an air source heat pump?
September 15, 2015, Nathan Karels
Learn about air source heat pumps: an energy-efficient alternative to your furnace and air conditioner.
Learn MoreHow to properly maintain your mechanical ventilation system
September 8, 2015, Grant Bowman
Whether you hire a technician, or want to take some of the maintenance into your own hands, learn about the importance of maintaining your mechanical ventilation system with this blog.
Learn MoreWH Solar frequently asked questions
August 11, 2015
Questions about community solar and other offerings from WH Solar? This blog addresses some of our most frequently asked questions.
Learn More