Apply for electric service
Submit this form if you are moving into a new place and need to start electric service in your name with Wright-Hennepin.
A member service representative will contact you to confirm your application. Service requests will not be processed until confirmed. There is a $15 service-processing charge for all new accounts. You may call (763) 477-3000 to set up service or for additional assistance during business hours.
Red Flags Rule
To help prevent identity theft, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires utilities, financial institutions, and creditors to implement the Red Flags Rule to verify identity. Identity theft is a growing threat. The Red Flags Rule was established to help essential institutions detect the warning signs or “red flags” of identity theft. To protect your privacy and comply with FTC rules, Wright-Hennepin will ask you to verify your identity. This may be the last four digits of your social security number or a password you established when opening the account.
When establishing a new electric account, Wright-Hennepin will require the primary account holder’s 9-digit social security number (SSN). Should you choose not to verify with your SSN, another form of valid, government-issued photo identification (ID) must be faxed or presented in person at Wright-Hennepin headquarters in Rockford, MN.
To further protect your account, the primary account holder must grant access privileges to anyone else, including a spouse, who may want to access account information, and that individual’s SSN must also be on file. Should that individual choose not to verify with their SSN, another form of valid, government-issued photo identification must be faxed or presented in person at Wright-Hennepin headquarters in Rockford, MN.
Thank you for partnering with Wright-Hennepin to keep your account information safe.