About WH
Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association is a member-owned, not-for-profit electric utility that provides power to rural Wright County and western Hennepin County. The cooperative has been a corporate citizen to the area since 1937 and currently serves more than 59,000 electric accounts. It is headquartered in Rockford, Minn.
Check out this interesting video that describes the purpose of electric cooperatives, and how they formed!
What does it mean to be a member-owner?
Being a member-owner of Wright-Hennepin distinguishes you from other electric utility customers in a number of ways:
- Your voice is heard. You have an input regarding setting policy through a nine-member board elected by you and other Wright-Hennepin members in the local area. Board members serve three-year terms and elections are held at an Annual Meeting each spring.
- You share in the “profits” of the cooperative. Since the first capital credit refunds were made by WH in 1957, WH has returned more than $90 million to its members.
Our vision
To benefit our members, WH and its diversified businesses will outperform our competitors and sustain top 10% results in satisfaction, financial management, safety and reliability through 2025.
Our mission
We deliver the power, products and competitive pricing essential for improving the quality of life of the members and communities we serve.
Our values
We Are Wright-Hennepin
Financial statements
2016 year-end financial statement
2017 year-end financial statement
2018 year-end financial statement
2019 year-end financial statement
2020 year-end financial statement
2021 year-end financial statement
2022 year-end financial statement
2023 year-end financial statement
Service territory
Power supply mix
WH purchases power from three providers: Great River Energy, Basin Electric and MISO. The amount of power WH purchases from each is shown in the first pie chart. The three pie charts below that show the Name Plate Capacity of those companies.
These graphs are representative and are subject to change as markets fluctuate. Great River Energy power supply mix 2023 data, MISO power supply mix 2022 data, Basin power supply mix 2021 data. WH power supply mix graphic updated December 2022.
In 2022, President Joe Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Among other things, this bill aims to invest in energy production and reduce carbon emissions in the United States.
For more information, see this list of current resources:
- National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Information
- IRS Fact Sheet regarding frequently asked questions about energy efficient home improvements and residential clean energy property credits
- National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) Consumer Guide to the Inflation Reduction Act
- Rewiring America: Go electric! Digital Guide