Operation Round Up
Your pennies make a big difference with Operation Round Up! Since 1994, members of Wright-Hennepin (WH) have donated more than $5.3 million to local charities through the Operation Round Up program. The program rounds up electric bills to the next dollar, and that tax-deductible amount is put in a fund that is used for donations to local charities.

All members, residential and commercial, are automatically enrolled in the program. The rounded amount is shown on every electric statement. At the end of the year, your total tax-deductible contribution for the year appears on your end-of-the-year statement.
The donations are placed in a trust fund that is managed by a board appointed by WH’s Board of Directors. The trust board evaluates funding requests on a quarterly basis. Eligible programs must demonstrate a need that benefits the overall community.
View recent Operation Round Up donations
Additional bequests
For WH members who wish to contribute additional funds, checks can be made payable to “Wright-Hennepin Electric Trust” and mailed to PO Box 330, Rockford, MN 55373-0330.
Request to opt out of Operation Round Up
If you’re a WH member who wishes NOT to round up your electric bill, please call (763) 477-3000 or email info@whe.org.

Operation Round Up funding
Apply for funding
- Guidelines and policies
- Application for an individual and/or family
- Application for an organization or group
Application deadlines are: February 1, April 1, June 1, August 1, October 1, and November 20.
Please send applications to:
Wright-Hennepin Electric Trust
PO Box 330
Rockford, MN 55373
Grant recipients