Information for contractors and builders
Whether you need service manuals, rebate forms or information about any of Energy-Saving Programs, Wright-Hennepin values its relationships with contractors and wants to work with you to help your projects go smoothly.
Please see the links below to set up new service for residential or commercial service, learn more about rebates, electrical permits, and manuals and wiring diagrams.
New construction - residential service
New construction - commercial service
Electrical permits
The State of Minnesota recently implemented a new requirement for state electrical inspection permits. Electricians and/or homeowners who wire their own home must now complete an inspection form online. The state will no longer accept a paper copy of electric permits.
Manuals/wiring diagrams
Wright-Hennepin's service manuals and wiring diagrams are useful tools when working on projects involving our electric products and meters. Many diagrams and manuals can be found on this page.