Due to scheduled maintenance, WH's online billing platform will be unavailable tonight (7/2) from 6-9 p.m. Thanks for your patience!

Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association Privacy Policy

Individual privacy is very important. We only collect and use online data needed to offer and fulfill our core business purposes. We are lawful and fair to the individual whose data we collect. This means that we will not disclose information for an unrelated purpose without the consent of the individual or by authority of law.

We use cookies to receive and store certain types of information whenever you interact with us through your computer or mobile device. This information includes the pages you visit on our site, which web address you came from, the type of browser/device/hardware you are using, etc. This helps us recognize you and customize your website experience. It also helps make our marketing messages more relevant.

When you submit a form on our website – whether to request information, start service, or order a product, we will store the information that you include on your form.

We do advertise our products and services online. We utilize advertising options through, but not limited to, Google and Facebook. Google and Facebook do collect and store some information about their users in order to provide the best user experience. They store that information, and we do not. We use these websites as a vehicle in which to market to our target audience. Facebook and Google collect information as listed in their privacy policies.

We do not trade or sell your personal data to third parties.

For more information about our privacy protection practices, contact info@whe.org.