WH Renewable Options & Cogeneration Interconnections

A healthy environment is important to all of us, and improves our quality of life.

To help you do your part, Wright-Hennepin (WH) has two voluntary programs designed to allow you to purchase energy from renewable sources. The programs are Solar Choice and Renewable Choice. Each is a way to reduce the carbon footprint of your home or business. Additionally, we have resources below to provide information about Cogeneration (When you produce your own power at your home or business) and information about prior renewable projects WH has completed.

Solar Choice

The easy way to secure solar economics without installing solar at your residence.

Renewable Choice

Easy and affordable option to add renewable attributes to your energy consumption.

Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection Process

All the information you need to interconnect a qualified distributed generation resource to WH lines.

WH Community Solar Projects

WH has four solar communities located on WH property. Members were able to participate in these projects at the time they were built. These existing projects are currently fully subscribed and are…

Commercial Renewable Options

Learn more about WH's renewable options for commercial and industrial businesses.