Member-Owned Generation
Member-owned generation, also called cogeneration, follows the Cooperative Minnesota Distributed Energy Resources Interconnection Process, also known as C-MIP. This process was effective June 1, 2019, and is utilized for all applications for interconnection of member-owned renewable Distributed Energy Resources (DER). Cogeneration allows you to purchase and sell power to and from WH.
New Distributed Utility Required Profile
Contractors: Please review WH's new Distributed Utility Required Profile (DU-URP), effective 1/2/24.
Please use the NOVA Power Portal to review the interconnection process, submit your interconnection application and track the status of your application.
How to begin the Interconnection process:
- Work with your electrician or contractor and complete the Interconnection Application through the NOVA Power Portal.
- Upon receipt of the required documents, WH personnel will perform an engineering review of the proposed interconnection and determine the estimated construction charges that will apply. If changes are necessary, an email will be sent to the installer requesting additional information. If construction charges apply, an aid to construction agreement must be signed by the owner and uploaded to the NOVA Power Portal. Once approved, you will receive an email confirmation that the system has been approved and you may begin construction based on the final design.
- Complete the Cogeneration and small Power Production Facilities for installations 100 kW and below. For installations greater than 100 kW, WH will negotiate a contract consistent with WH’s Interconnection Agreement for the Interconnection of Extended Parallel Distributed Generation Systems with Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association.
- When the system is ready to be interconnected, please upload the Certificate of Completion along with the Electrical Permit and Inspection Report to the NOVA Power Portal. A WH representative will contact you to make an appointment to perform the site test and interconnection.
- A grid access settlement will be applied to applicable cogeneration systems. See Small Power Production Rider.
Document links:
- WH Service Connection Guide
- Local Democracy Rules Implemented under MN Statute 216B.164
- Small Power Production Rider (rates) - Effective February 14, 2025
- Cogeneration Distributed Energy Equipment Policy
- Annual Notification to Membership
Annual Filings
A member who has a dispute with the Cooperative with respect to the member’s or the Cooperative’s rights or obligations regarding distributed generation (such as wind generation or solar facilities) shall first complete the Dispute Form. The Cooperative will schedule an information meeting between you and the Cooperative’s CEO within 10 business days of receipt of this form. If that meeting does not resolve the dispute, then a hearing by the Cooperative’s Board or Directors will be scheduled. This process is governed by the Cooperative’s distributed generation rules as authorized by Minnesota Statues 216B.164, Subd. 11. Dispute Form
Please fully vet solar companies prior to entering into a contract.
Other Inquiries:
New Services
6800 Electric Drive, PO Box 330, Rockford, MN 55373
(763) 477-3150
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to do to connect with WH’s power grid?
Can I sell energy back to the utility if I generate more power than I use?
How does net metering work?
Are there any costs to me to do so?
How much will you pay me for the excess power I produce?
- For systems less than 40 kW, WH will compensate the member for any net excess generation produced (energy produced above their consumption) at the “average retail utility energy rate.” For systems 40 kW and over, WH does not “net” the member’s excess production against their consumption. Rather, WH will purchase the total excess energy produced each month at its wholesale power supplier’s avoided cost.
- For a cogeneration system to qualify for the “average retail utility energy rate” through net metering, the following conditions must be met:
- Must satisfy the conditions established in Code of Federal Regulations, title 18, part 292. The size determination of the qualifying facility must include all facilities that are owned by the same person(s) or its affiliates, and are located at the same site. The “same site” means qualifying facilities that are located within one mile of each other.
- The aggregate of qualifying systems on a site must be less than 40 kW
Can I still get power from WH when I need more than I produce?
Interconnection Requirements:
Consumer protection – read before you buy
We care about you. Please make sure when you are considering your own power generation, that you use a reputable company to do the work. We recommend getting three bids to make sure they are competitive. And make sure that you get referrals as well to protect yourself from a poor investment.
A member who has a dispute with the Cooperative with respect to the member’s or the Cooperative’s rights or obligations regarding distributed generation (such as wind generation or solar facilities) shall first complete the Dispute Form. The Cooperative will schedule an information meeting between you and the Cooperative’s CEO within 10 business days of receipt of this form. If that meeting does not resolve the dispute, then a hearing by the Cooperative’s Board or Directors will be scheduled. This process is governed by the Cooperative’s distributed generation rules as authorized by Minnesota Statues 216B.164, Subd. 11. Dispute Form
Please fully vet solar companies prior to entering into a contract.
What will the net metering equipment look like on my home?

Who maintains the solar panels after they are installed at my home?
How will my solar production fluctuate per month?

What happens if I need a new roof?
What might impact the production of my solar array?
What happens if there is snow cover on my solar panels?
Do I need to insure my solar panels?
What is the monthly Grid Access Settlement Fee?
Grid access fee ensures all members are charged appropriately for the cooperative’s distribution system costs. Residential energy charges are comprised of a monthly basic charge and a variable energy charge. WH recovers a portion of its fixed costs via the variable energy charge. The Grid access fee recovers utility fixed costs that WH expects to recover through variable energy charges. The grid access fee is based on the size of the solar array and recovers the cost associated with under recovery for each size of solar array.
The monthly cost per kW on a system greater than 3.5 kW is $2.78/kW. The monthly maximum is $20.00. See current Small Power Production Rider.
What rate options are available for a Residential install?
Average Retail Cooperative Energy Rate (ARCER):
- The cooperative shall compensate the Qualified Facility (QF) for excess energy generated by the QF at the ARCER rate.
Roll-Over Credit Purchase Rate:
- When the energy generated by the QF exceeds that supplied by the Cooperative, the Cooperative shall apply the excess kWh as a credit to the next billing period’s electric use. Excess kWh that are not offset in the next billing period shall continue to be rolled over to the next billing period. Any extra kWh rolled over that are remaining at the end of each calendar year shall expire with no additional compensation.