How to read your bill

Wright-Hennepin has designed your electric bill so that it is easy to read and understand.

Your electric bill contains important information. Look at the graphic below for an explanation of the different areas of your electric bill. Examples of both a residential and commercial bill are shown. If you have further questions that haven’t been answered by this page, please contact us.

* The example bills are for illustrative purposes only, and therefore may not reflect certain charges shown on your bill. If you have questions, please contact us at (763) 477-3000.

Example Residential Bill

Wright-Hennepin’s residential electric bill
  • Contact Information

    This section details WH's contact information

  • Invoice date and statement ID

    This corner of your bill shows your invoice date, and the statement ID.

  • Account Number

    Your account number identifies you in our billing system. Have this number handy when you contact us with billing questions. You will also need your account number to sign up for some online billing services.

  • Billing summary

    This section details your previous billing period’s balance and any payments received through the specified date. If there is a balance carried over, that also appears in this section.

  • New charges

    This section breaks down the charges on your current bill, including electric use, taxes, franchise fees, and other charges. Franchise fees are collected by some local governments to pay for specific programs or projects within that city’s jurisdiction. WH is required to collect the fee on their behalf and does not keep it.

    • Basic Charge - The fixed charge is for expenses incurred by WH regardless of how much electricity you use, such as monthly costs for metering and billing.
    • Energy - The energy charge is for generating electricity and delivering it to your home. The total amount of energy (kWh) you use is multiplied by the charge for each kWh. Find current residential rates.
    • Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) – WH uses the Power Cost Adjustment to adjust electricity prices according to changes in our wholesale power costs as they fluctuate throughout the year.
  • Payment return stub

    This is the tear-off stub that you send in with your payment.

  • Meter reading summary

    This table contains your current meter reading data, including the average temperature for this billing period, compared to last year. 

  • Monthly electric use

    This graph shows monthly electric use for the past 24 months. For daily energy use, check out WH’s MyMeter tool.

  • Total payment due and due date

    The date your payment is due and the amount are shown here.

  • Special message area

    This message area keeps you informed of special offers and other important information related to your service.

  • Charge Information Message Area

    If your account is on autopay (automatic withdrawal of payment from a checking, savings, or credit card account) a message stating the date of withdrawal will be listed here. If your account is NOT on WH's autopay program, you will see WH’s payment mailing address.

  • Member Name and Mailing Address

    Here you will find the responsible name(s) on the account and the mailing address. This may be different than the actual service address.

Example Commercial Bill

Wright-Hennepin’s commercial electric bill
  • Contact Information

    This section details WH's contact information

  • Invoice date and statement ID

    This corner of your bill shows your invoice date, and the statement ID.

  • Account Number

    Your account number identifies you in our billing system. Have this number handy when you contact us with billing questions. You will also need your account number to sign up for some online billing services.  If you receive service at more than one location (or have multiple electric services), you will have a different account number for each location (or service).

  • Billing Summary

    This section shows your previous bill's balance and any payments received up to the current bill's statement date. If there is a balance carried over, that also appears in this section.

  • New Charges

    • Basic Charge - The fixed charge is for expenses incurred by WH regardless of how much electricity you use, such as monthly costs for metering and billing.
    • Energy - The energy charge is for generating electricity and delivering it to your business. The total amount of energy (kWh) you use is multiplied by the charge for each kWh. Find current commercial rates.
    • Demand - Demand (kW) is the highest 15-minute electric load (demand) that occurred during the billing period, multiplied by the demand charge.

    Demand Adjustment - WH’s established guidelines include that the customer/member shall maintain power factor as near to unity as practicable. Should WH’s measurements indicate that the average power factor is less than 95 percent for the billing period, a demand adjustment will be applied.

    Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) – WH uses the Power Cost Adjustment to adjust electricity prices according to changes in our wholesale power costs as they fluctuate throughout the year.

    State and local taxes applicable to your bill are also shown here.

  • Meter Reading Summary

    This section shows information about your meter and usage. It includes the meter serial number (i.e. 88888888), present and previous meter readings, total usage, days of service and the meter multiplier. The multiplier number is determined by the metering equipment installed for this account and is used to determine the actual amount of usage. The days of service shows the number of days in this billing cycle. The electricity the consumer/member uses is measured as follows:

    • Demand (kW) = The read demand value times the meter multiplier.
    • Energy (kWh) = Total energy usage is determined by taking the difference between the present reading and the previous reading, times the meter multiplier.

    This area also includes monthly power factor information (if applicable).

  • Monthly Usage/Demand Charts

    These charts compare monthly energy usage and peak demand over a 24-month period.

  • Total amount due and due date

    This is the amount that must be paid by the due date to avoid any late charges. A late charge will be applied to the next monthly bill if payment is not received by the date specified on the bill.

  • Tear off stub

    This is the tear-off stub that you send in with your payment.

  • Message Box

    This message area keeps you informed of special offers and other important information related to your service.

  • Member Name and Mailing Address

    Here you will find the responsible name(s) on the account and the mailing address. This may be different than the actual service address.

  • Charge Information Message Area

    If your account is on the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) program (automatic withdrawal of payment from a checking, savings, or credit card account) a message will appear monthly, stating the date of withdrawal. If your account is NOT on the EFT program, you will see WH’s payment mailing address.