Stay safe around power lines
Power lines carry high voltage electricity. WH reminds you to use caution when working around power lines, and always assume they are energized.
During storms with high winds or ice, power lines can occasionally sag or fall. WH reminds you to ALWAYS stay away from downed lines - never touch them - power lines can be energized even when they are on the ground or sagging. Particular caution should be used to keep all objects and equipment clear of downed or overhead power lines.
If you do see downed lines, call Wright-Hennepin at (763) 477-3100 to report the downed line. If you see that someone has made contact with the line, call 911 first as that person may be in need of serious medical attention.
Power lines are doing the job of bringing electricity to your home and business and should not be tampered with or touched, ever.