Request service for WH Appliance Repair
Thank you for participating in the WH Appliance Repair plan. Existing customers may call (763) 477-3177 for service or fill out the form below. If you request service via the web form, a representative will contact you to confirm the appointment within one business day. If you have multiple appliances that require repairs, please enter a separate request for each appliance.
All non-priority service requests will be handled during normal business hours of 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
If you are requesting priority service for a no heat situation, do not make your request online. Please call (763) 477-3177 where calls are taken 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Reminder: Appliances are not fully covered until 30 days after you sign up for the WH Appliance Repair Plan or add an appliance to your existing Repair Plan. If you have a service need within the first 30 days, WH Appliance Repair can schedule that repair and you will be responsible for the cost of the repair.