Due to scheduled maintenance, WH's online billing platform will be unavailable tonight (7/2) from 6-9 p.m. Thanks for your patience!

Jeph Novak

Jeph Novak is a Communications Specialist at WH. He graduated from the University of Minnesota, Morris with a degree in English and a minor in Communications, Media and Rhetoric. In his free time, Jeph enjoys reading, going on walks, watching baseball and playing board games.

Articles by Jeph Novak

Benefits of updating substations

Substations in WH’s territory are frequently being built or improved upon. But what exactly does updating substations entail?
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Transformer inspections beginning in January

Starting in January, WH lineworkers will begin inspecting pad-mount transformers in St. Michael, Otsego, Rogers, Corcoran and Medina. Lineworkers will access and open pad-mounted devices such as transformers, switches, fuse cabinets and transition cabinets.
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WH to change legacy air conditioning programs

WH recently conducted an evaluation with an outside consultant regarding our three Energy-Saving Air Conditioning (AC) programs.
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This holiday brought to you by electricity

Decorating with lights, listening to festive music and snuggling up by the fire to watch a favorite movie are a few things that make the holiday season great. Behind the scenes, electricity works hard to power your holidays, and this season is no different.
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Howard Lake substation rebuilt

Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association (WH) held a ribbon cutting ceremony at its Howard Lake substation after a five-month project to rebuild and improve the substation located at the intersection of 70th St. and Keats Ave.
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Save money with WH's Energy-Saving Programs

Wright-Hennepin (WH) offers several options for members to save money through Energy-Saving programs (ESPs).
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Does an EV fit your budget?

Electric vehicles can be intimidating and come with different questions to consider. Luckily, WH makes it easy to get all these questions answered.
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WH celebrates Co-op Month online

Wright-Hennepin (WH) celebrated National Co-op Month 2020 in a unique way.
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WH will test Dual Fuel systems October 29 and 31.

WH will switch its summer Energy-Saving Program to winter load management on October 1.
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Plug-in Hybrids: Bridging the Gap Between Hybrids and Fully Electric Vehicles

Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are a unique type of car, combining the battery of a fully electric vehicle and the gasoline engine of a non-electric vehicle.
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Give the Gift of Electricity

The Gift of Electricity is a practical gift to give to the important people in your life.
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