Winter chills and electric bills
Posted by Grant Bowman on January 29, 2019
Wright-Hennepin strives to help our members have control over where their energy goes with a free program called MyMeter. MyMeter allows members to check on their daily energy usage instead of waiting for the bill to arrive. Members can look at past years’ usage and compare it with the current year. If the usage has changed dramatically then check around the house and garage to see if something is plugged in that doesn’t need to be all the time.
Has your bill gone down? Many members have an electric air conditioner and a gas home heater. As a result, they may use less electricity and more gas in the winter.
Has it increased? If so, it could be due to extra things used during the winter months. Seasonal items which may increase your bill include heated dog dishes, small electric heaters in a cold room and holiday lighting.
To learn more about how to use MyMeter, check out our other blog posts: MyMeter part 1: Features and MyMeter part 2: Applications or call us at (763) 477-3000.