Slow down and move over
Posted by Stacie Nielsen on June 14, 2018
You’ve heard the saying - in Minnesota there are two prominent seasons: winter and construction. As the weather becomes bearable, the construction becomes overwhelming as crews try to accomplish as much work as possible before winter reappears.
While cooperative crews and lineman work outside all year, in the summer more projects are set in full motion: right-of-way tree trimming, pole inspections and replacements, power line placement, line laying and more.
One of our top priorities at Wright-Hennepin (WH) is to bring you, the member-owner, reliable power. These projects help ensure we can reliably deliver power to your home or business. However, another top priority we have is safety: both for you and our workers.
When signs that indicate any type of construction ahead are placed on the side of the road, please pay attention. For cooperatives, they are typically bright orange diamonds that say, “Utility Construction Ahead.” These signs are there not only for the workers protection, but for yours as well.
If you see any of those signs, please slow down and, when possible, move over. We understand you have places to be, but simply taking the time to slow down and move over will ensure both you and our crews can go home to their families.
In addition to any utility crews working, slow down and move over if you see any emergency personnel or vehicles along the road.
While construction season in crammed into a couple months, safety is important all year. Be safe on the roads as you enjoy this summer with your family.