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Operation Round Up donations help fund Lunch Box Fever program

Posted by Josh Randt on August 13, 2017

Eight years ago, Lunch Box Fever began as an idea by college student Emily Pennuto to help feed children who don’t always have reliable access to food. In 2014, RiverWorks Community Development in Rockford adopted the program, and recently used donations from Operation Round Up (ORU) to help feed those children. 

RiverWorks received a $5,000 grant from A volunteer loads his car before distributing meals for the Lunch Box Fever program. ORU funded by donations from Wright-Hennepin members who allow their electric bill to be rounded up to the nearest dollar. 

For the full story and list of other ORU recipients, check out the August issue of the Hotline Update. 

Photos courtesy of RiverWorks Community Development

Josh Randt

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