House Omnibus Energy Bill - April 2019
April 2019
House Omnibus Energy Bill
Posted on April 1, 2019
The House Omnibus Energy Bill now advancing through the legislature would require 100 percent carbon-free electric generation in Minnesota by 2050. WH does not support this bill for the following reasons:
- While WH strongly supports increased renewables in our energy mix, requiring 100 percent carbon free generation threatens the reliability and safety of the grid. This is because renewables – wind and solar generation – are available on demand less than half the time. Consequently, this bill threatens our ability to keep the lights and heat on for you! After all, the wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t always shine. We must have a balance of fuels to fill in the gaps!
- This bill will significantly drive up costs for our members. If Minnesota utilities can generate electricity only from renewables, we become a captured market for wind and solar developers. This will drive up prices, perhaps dramatically. We saw exactly these significant cost increases the last time Minnesota passed a renewables requirement in 2007.
- This bill will have almost no impact on climate change. While supporters say the bill is necessary, United Nations, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency data show it would reduce global carbon emissions by only a few one thousandths of one percent. This is because Minnesota electric generation represents a tiny fraction of world carbon emissions.
With the stakes so high, please take action. Here are three quick and easy ways to help:
- Sign and send this letter through email, regular mail or both to your state legislators personalized with their name. Also, make sure to include your name, address and contact information.
- If you don’t want to send a letter, call your legislator. Ask them to oppose requiring 100 percent carbon-free electric generation in Minnesota by 2050. If your legislator is unavailable, leave a message.
Share your letter, your concerns and your views with friends, neighbors and family. Ask them to make their voices heard too!
To find out who represents you and how to contact them, simply click here.