Equipment for sale by sealed bid
Posted by Stacie Nielsen on February 19, 2020
Wright-Hennepin (WH) is selling the following equipment “as is” seperately by sealed bid:
- 2008 Chevy 1-ton Dually
- Duramax diesel
- Estimated 142,000 miles
- See photos below
- 2009 Felling 14-feet dump trailer
- Rust holes
- See photos below
The equipment can be seen during regular business hours (8 a.m. – 4:30 -p.m.) at WH’s office in Rockford, Minn. For more information, please call Jeff Hofford or Mitch Allbee at (763) 477-3126.
Sealed bids must be received by February 26, 2020. Sealed bid must include name, phone number, item being bid on and bid amount. Bids can be mailed to Wright-Hennepin, Attn: Melissa Caster, P.O. Box 330 Rockford, MN 55373 or dropped off in person at the front desk during regular business hours.
WH reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The winning bidder will be notified by phone on February 28, 2020.