Energy-saving tips for your business
Running a business can be expensive. Help reduce your next electric bill with these easy energy-efficiency tips!
Posted by Lauren Dublin on August 17, 2023
Running a business can be expensive. Help reduce your next electric bill with these easy energy-efficiency tips!
Install energy efficiency lighting. Switch out your bulbs for energy-efficient ones. Consider installing sensor lighting, that turns on and off automatically. Rooms that may be a good fit for these kinds of lighting include bathrooms, conference rooms, and break areas.
Adjust thermostat temperatures when nobody’s in the building. In the summer, set the temperature higher when employees head out for the day, and lower it in the winter. Find smart thermostats at the Energy Wise MN Store.
Go green! Did you know Wright-Hennepin (WH) offers renewable options for commercial and industrial members? Learn more about them on our website.
Keep air filters clean. Check the filters in your HVAC equipment regularly; dirty filters make it harder for air to get through, making your system work harder and in turn, using more energy. Clean filters can also help prevent damage to your HVAC system by keeping dirt out of it.
Get an energy audit. An energy audit will give you an idea of how much energy your business uses regularly, and commercial account representatives at WH can help! WH’s Energy Use Consultants (EUCs) can do a visual check of window and door seals, thermostat settings, air filters, and much more! After the walkthrough, they can provide specific energy-saving recommendations.
Take advantage of rebates. WH’s commercial account representatives can also provide details about rebates and Energy-Saving Programs. Rebates are available for lighting, HVAC systems, electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, and more. They can also help you learn more about adding electric vehicle (EV) charging stations to your business.
Looking for more ideas? Find more energy conservation tips for your business.