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Does an EV fit your budget?

Electric vehicles can be intimidating and come with different questions to consider. Luckily, WH makes it easy to get all these questions answered.

Posted by Jeph Novak on November 11, 2020

Electric vehicles can be intimidating and come with different questions to consider: How long do they take to charge, where do you install the charging station, what kind of charging station do you need, how far can the car go before needing a new charge? Luckily, WH makes it easy to get all these questions answered.

There are a lot of different types of EVs. From luxury vehicles to familiar car brands, here are a few different models to start your search:

Charge times vary based on year, make and model, as well as charger and amperage. See more electric vehicles and their charge times.  Source: Energy Wise MN

When considering if an EV is right for you, think of how far your daily commute is, what kinds of road trips you take and where you park your car. You can learn more about if an EV is right for you on our blog.

Once you pick out an EV, you’ll need a charger.

You can purchase a ZEFNET charger on the EnergyWise MN website. Selecting a high-quality level 2 wall mount EV charging station that meets your needs has never been easier! WH has partnered with Energy Wise MN to take the guesswork out of purchasing an EV charging station. We’ve narrowed it down to our top three models, and we’ll help you find the one that best fits your lifestyle. Talk to an electrician to find out what amperage you need at your home to know what charger is best for you.

With WH’s EV charging programs, we take the confusion out of how to charge your electric vehicle. When you purchase the ZEFNET charging, which is compatible with all plug-in vehicles, you can sign up for WH’s Electric Vehicle Storage Charge program and take advantage of our rebates.

Note: Certain restrictions apply. In order to get the $500 purchase rebate, you must be on the Electric Vehicle Storage Charge Program

With WH's EV Storage Charge Program:

  • No extra meter is required, since a meter is already on the charging station, letting you know how much energy you’re using and when you can use it.
  • Energy rate during charging time is $.06 per kWh. – half the normal rate!
  • Energy rate for this program is not subject to Power Cost Adjustment (PCA).
  • Charging time is eight hours per day, from 11 p.m. - 7 a.m. Charging is not available all other hours.
  • Rebates up to $1,000. The EV must have a minimum of 4.5kW charger rating to qualify. Typically, an EV that is all-electric will qualify. See your vehicle specs for your charger rate

Of course, as with gas-powered cars, EVs are different and each person’s car needs are unique. To learn more, check out our website or call (763) 477-3000.

Jeph Novak

Jeph Novak

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