Legacy air conditioning programs change this spring
After thorough review and careful analysis, WH will make changes to AC programs beginning in the spring of 2021.
Posted by Jeph Novak on March 23, 2021
Wright-Hennepin Electric (WH) recently conducted a detailed review and thorough analysis of our three Energy-Saving Air Conditioning (AC) programs. These programs all cycle your AC on and off for 15-minute intervals during times of peak energy use, typically four to six days per month in the summer.
The analysis revealed that Metered AC and Cool Cash are giving members a discount larger than the benefit they provide. WH is a cooperative, and all members share in costs. A change is necessary in order to match the discount members receive with the savings provided to WH.
The current Quick Cash AC program, which cycles air on and off just like the two legacy programs and provides a flat $5 monthly discount on your June – September statements, is still economical.
As a result, members on Metered AC or Cool Cash AC will see their discount changed over a three-year period, eventually matching the Quick Cash AC discount*. The schedule will be as follows**:
Metered AC change:
- 2021: 8 cents per kWh
- 2022: 10 cents per kWh
- 2023: 12 cents per kWh
- 2024 and beyond: Flat $5 discount on your statements during June, July, August, and September.
Cool Cash AC change:
- 2021: 11% off your bill
- 2022: 8% off your bill
- 2023: 5% off your bill
- 2024 and beyond: Flat $5 discount on your statements during June, July, August, and September.
Quick Cash:
- No change
Please contact member services with any questions at (763) 477-3000 or info@whe.org.
*Metered ASHP rates vary slightly. Members participating in Metered AC with Metered Water Heating will follow a different schedule and will be notified separately.
** Rate / discount schedule is subject to change.