WH is conducting surveys in April
Posted by Stacie Nielsen on April 23, 2018
When a phone call or email comes and you are asked to take a survey, you may react by pressing “end call” or the “delete” button. You either don’t have enough time to spend answering questions or you simply don’t want to participate. But have you considered of how taking certain surveys may benefit you?
Wright-Hennepin (WH) strives to respect members’ time. We know that you are busy, so when we decide to conduct or participate in surveys there are reasons. These surveys that show us areas where we need to improve how we serve you, our member-owners. As member-owners of WH it’s your voice that decides the direction of the cooperative. These surveys are opportunities to have your voice heard directly by WH.
Below are the current surveys that WH is participating in and details for you to know. We would be grateful for your feedback to help better your cooperative.
April 2018 Surveys
There are two surveys in April:
National Survey on the Cooperative Difference
Duration: Second, third and fourth weeks of April
Goal: To receive an American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) benchmark score on where WH ranks in the industry across the nation. WH was invited to participate in this national survey free-of-charge.
Conducted by: TSE Services, Touchstone Energy and Bellomy Research
Length: Up to 12 minutes
What to do?
Online: An email invitation from Bellomy Research will contain a link and a unique ID code. Follow the link to the survey and enter the unique ID code. The WH logo will be included in the email and survey.
Phone: A call may come from an “Opinion Counts” caller ID. The calls will only be conducted on weeknights between 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. or on Saturdays. You will not be called on holidays or Sundays.
WH American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) Survey
Duration: Second, third and fourth weeks of April
Goal: To receive an ACSI benchmark score on where WH ranks in the industry across the nation.
Conducted by: National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)
Length: Up to 7 minutes
What to do? An email invitation will ask you to participate. The email will contain WH’s logo.
Phone: Or you may receive a phone call about the survey. These calls will be conducted on weeknights between 5 and 8 p.m. You will not be called on holidays or weekends.