Ways to Take Advantage of Solar and Wind Energy in Your Home

Solar and wind energy has become more popular in recent years as many people are looking for cleaner, renewable sources of energy. However, most people don’t realize that we’ve been using solar and wind energy for years – even before electricity was being generated.

Posted by Guest Blogger on June 19, 2012

Solar and wind energy has become more popular in recent years as many people are looking for cleaner, renewable sources of energy. However, most people don’t realize that we’ve been using solar and wind energy for years – even before electricity was being generated.

Before Wright-Hennepin (WH) brought power to rural Wright and western Hennepin counties, farmers used windmills to help pump water and power batteries, and daylight was always taken advantage of for work and reading. We are working to harness that same energy today with solar panels and wind turbines.

However, if you’re looking for simple, inexpensive ways to incorporate more solar and wind energy use into your routines, there are several options you can explore. Much like generations before us, we use renewable energy each time we dry clothes on a clothesline or take advantage of sunlight instead of flipping on a light switch. This is a very easy place to start and could help you lower your electric bill.

If you plan on building a home, ask your contractor about strategically placing your windows so that you can take advantage of passive solar energy, which will help keep your home warm in the winter, but won’t trap heat in the summer months. In your current home, you can take advantage of solar energy, too, by opening your shades during the day in the winter to help heat your home.

Wind can also help you regulate the temperature of your home. On hot days in the summer, open your windows in the morning and night when it’s cool outside, and let the breeze cool your home. When it starts to warm up, shut your windows. This will help you to limit your air conditioning use.

If you’d like to take your use of renewables to the next level, you could also consider installing solar panels or a wind generator on your property. However, there are a few things you’ll need to consider before you take this next step, as more than 80 percent of homes are not suitable for installing wind generators or solar panels.

Solar panels need to be installed on a flat roof, or the pitch of the roof needs to at a specific angle so it will gather the sun’s energy. Installing solar panels could also cost between $15,000 to $20,000. Keep in mind that solar panels generate the most energy from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and will only generate electricity on sunny days.

If you’re thinking of installing a wind turbine, you’ll need to do some research about zoning laws in your area. These structures stand about 40 feet high and are only permitted in certain locations. They also do not generate energy on calm days or on extremely windy days, as the turbine needs to be shut down to prevent equipment damage.

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