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Join our electric vehicle (EV) pilot study!

Wright-Hennepin (WH) is seeking 25 participants for our electric vehicle (EV) subscription program pilot study beginning in September.

Posted by Jeph Novak on August 23, 2021

Wright-Hennepin (WH) is seeking 25 participants for our electric vehicle (EV) subscription program pilot study beginning in September.

Members who are currently not on a WH EV charging program or those who are planning to purchase an EV are eligible for this program. Participants will pay $49.99/month, which will cover the purchase and standard installation of the ZEFNET charging station as well as all energy used in the charger overnights and on weekends. Charging will be available at all other hours using WH’s Time-of-Use rates.

Through this pilot study, WH hopes to learn how EV drivers use their vehicles as well as how to make the purchase, installation and usage of a ZEFNET charger easy and affordable for members. By participating in this pilot study, you will help will become the proud owner of a ZEFNET charger while helping WH better understand and respond to member needs.

If you are interested in helping shape the future of EV charging for WH members, contact WH at (763) 477-3000 and ask to speak to one of our EV product specialists, or learn more on our web page.

Jeph Novak

Jeph Novak

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