Wright-Hennepin celebrates 84 years
Posted by Jeph Novak on April 16, 2021
Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association’s (WH) 2021 Annual Meeting was held on Thursday, April 15. Due to ongoing health concerns, the Annual Meeting was scaled back, similar to the 2020 meeting, with a 35-minute business meeting, 56 members in attendance to meet quorum requirements and over 100 people watching via livestream.
The event included a financial report, WH and WH Holding Board Chair reports, results of the restated Bylaws vote and the election results for the board seats for Districts 1, 3 and 9. WH Board of Directors serve 3-year terms. A total of 25 director candidates ran for a WH board seat. Incumbent Timothy Young was re-elected as the District 1 director. The open District 3 seat was filled by Pat Bakeberg and incumbent Erick Heinz was elected as the director for District 9. The restated Bylaws were approved by the members of the cooperative.
Members who watched the livestream had an opportunity to enter to win one of three $50 bill credits. Paul K., Mike B. and Sandra Z. won bill credits for attending. WH also held a prize drawing for an electric chainsaw, an electric sweeper and an electric grill at the conclusion of the meeting. Perry Simonson won the electric chainsaw, Andrew Mayer won the electric blower and the electric grill was awarded to Otte Boersma. Congratulations to all the winners!