Rebate Forms

Wright-Hennepin rebates are available for members who participate in Energy-Saving Programs and who meet certain criteria. Rebates are for new installations only.

Put money back in your pocket with a rebate from Wright-Hennepin (WH)! Rebate funding is limited and rebates are given on a first-come/first-serve basis and may end without notice. Applications for each rebate, along with rebate criteria, can be downloaded below and sent to WH for consideration. WH does not sell air source heat pumps/air conditioners, but we have several contractors available who meet guidelines that allow you to receive a rebate on this list

Some appliances have two rebates; an Energy-Saving Program (ESP) rebate and a Energy Conservation and Optimization (ECO) rebate. They are separate forms. In some cases, there is only one rebate available. Those items are noted with an asterisk (*).

2025 rebates

Air Source Heat Pump - ESP

2025 rebate will be available soon.

Up to $675 ESP rebate.

Air Source Heat Pump - ECO

The ECO rebate form for ASHPs is provided by your contractor through HVAC Trade Partners.

High efficiency > 14.3 Ducted SEER2 & HSPF2 > 7.5  = $580.00

Premium efficiency 2025 CEE Tier 1-Path B  >16 SEER 2 & HSPF2 >8 = $630.00

All air conditioning systems must be installed by certified contractors to be eligible for rebates. 

*Pool Pump - ECO

*Pool Pump - ECO

$400 for pool air source heat pump; $200 for variable speed pool pump ECO rebate.
*Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM) - ECO

*Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM) - ECO

$50 per qualifying ECM. Maximum rebate on (2) qualifying ECMs.
*Electric lawn mower - ESP

*Electric lawn mower - ESP

$50 rebate for push mowers, $200 rebate for riding mowers.