Darrell Erickson

Darrell Erickson

Darrell Erickson has worked in multiple roles at WH, and is currently an apparatus technician with over 15 years of experience in the electrical field. These skills help when it comes to troubleshooting different problems that arise when dealing with our energy-saving work. He enjoys fishing with his family and visiting the Keweenaw Peninsula in Michigan. He also enjoys archery hunting. 

Articles by Darrell Erickson

Ways to improve your energy efficiency

Being efficient is a good thing and it’s interesting how efficient we can become when we are the ones paying for that resource. Especially if you run into a situation where your electric bill is just too high.
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Dual Fuel and Electric Thermal Storage Heating

Dual Fuel and Electric Thermal Storage Heating
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Knowing Who to Call and Getting a Second Opinion for Electric Appliance and Equipment Repairs

Electrical appliances and equipment need repairs like anything else. But knowing who to call and getting a second opinion can be valuable information. 
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Preparing for power outages

Summer storms can be fun to watch, but they can also leave you without power. Take these tips into consideration to ensure you and your family's safety should you encounter power outages from sever summer weather. 
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Tips for purchasing and operating space heaters

 Do your homework before buying a space heater, and make sure you know how to operate it safely. 
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Maintaining your water heater is invaluable

A few preventative measures and maintenance procedures can keep your water heater operating properly and help you save money.
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Maintaining Your Refrigerator and Freezer is an Easy way to Save Money and Conserve Energy

 There are a few things you can do to conserve energy with your fridge and freezer to save money while ensuring they are running properly. 
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Tune up to cool down!

 Want your air conditioner running at peak performance? Read this blog about AC maintenance, and stay cool this summer. 
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